The armouring technology is evolving to its height and the future is unpredictable. However, the demonstration of a variety of models of armouring clearly indicates the lack of the consensus on the upcoming designs of armouring particularly in the key sectors of protection and mobility. On the other hand, consensus is apparent in areas like high-tech armour, sensors, systems and other components. It has already become a trend to update the existing armouring of the vehicles especially in the military segments. Large modifications in the defence fleet of armoured vehicles have been taken up in the US, Poland, Denmark and Canada. The process has also started in case of the British army in updating their large war fleet and further modify with armouring. Modify your vehicle with the latest armouring technology with Troy Armoring company for the best, reliable and durable armouring of your vehicle.
Recently, Denmark concluded the testing of their armoured personnel career replacement project and are pushing forward with 400 vehicles armouring bidding. The tender incorporates wheeled and tracked vehicles, and standard-hull and V-shaped vehicles. They are all supposed to be re-armoured. But you will be perplexed to know about the armoured quality of some the vehicles in the list of re-armouring.
The V-shaped hull vehicles have the capacity of deflecting the force of bomb blast away from the soldiers inside the vehicle. This function of the V-shaped hull originated from the Iraq and Afghanistan combat experience where hundreds lost their life. This technology is also beneficial in civil life particularly the accidents that take lots of life.
Eventually, many countries including the British and the US are upgrading their various fleet to V-shaped hull that will protect their soldiers and expand their life span. However, the emergence of flat-hull has already started with a debate between the V-shaped hull and flat-hull which will continue long in the upcoming period.
Despite numerous debates across the international powers, the agreed upon consensus on the light-weight armouring material manufacturing is on its wheel. As it is done in aero-space segments, various composite materials are used to maintain the weight as well as maintaining the ballistic and bomb blasts protections. There are vehicles namely Supacat’s SPV400 which is entirely composite armoured, gaining importance in the process.
Reducing the heavy weight of an armoured vehicle with the use of composite materials means the reduction of costs and increasing the capacity of the armoured vehicle for carrying more troops, fuel and other amenities. Therefore, the bottom line of the entire discourse about the future of armouring of vehicles is going to be massive with light-weight composite materials revolution.