The new vehicle is something that you wanted for some time now and you have got it. You will have to go for registration of your vehicle after you go through a few steps of official checking and insuring your vehicle. You will have to get the green slip and a pink slip before the registration is done. If you fail to obtain the pink slip within time period, you may need a blue slip and then go for registration. Only after registration will your wheels be on the road – legally. You must not step out before that – as the rules say so. The registration in NSW is essential and not that much difficult though.

Process of registration

When you are going to think about the process of registration, you will find that there are things that you must complete before you can start the registration process. Are you an owner of a car or a motorbike? It can also be a caravan or a trailer. Any one of these vehicles will need registration in the proper way so that it becomes a legal entity. You will require rego check before your vehicle registration. This is the safety check of the vehicle so that it is ensured that it is safe for the vehicle to be on the road.

These vehicles are to be registered in NSW so that they face no issues while on road. The registration and safety check are placed under a single name of an individual or an organization. This is because the party under whose name it is registered will be the responsible party for the vehicle. Now before registration, you need those slips that will guarantee the safety check completion for your vehicle.

Green slip

Initially you will need the green slip. This is also known as the third party insurance. The slip is mostly arranged by the dealer from whom you buy your new car. This is insurance for your car and will be provided by the insurer AAMI or NRMA for a second hand car. The green slip insures your driver and covers any injury or death in any accident. This insurance covers you when you are not at fault for any accident that was caused by your vehicle. This is valid for 12 months and you must renew them for further registration.

Safety checking for your vehicle

After the insurance, you must think of the safety check of your vehicle. These are given after the proper checking of your vehicle. They check the vehicle to determine if it is properly running and is road safe for the people around the vehicle on road. The inspection stations complete these inspections with the help of service technicians. The mechanics are authorized by the Roads and Maritime Service or RMS. They will issue the pink slip or the safety check completion slip.

Completion of Registration

After the rego check or safety check is done, you obtain the slip and now you are ready for registration. You will have to complete the registration form from your home – over the digital media. You will need identity proof and Address proof with entitlement proof and the green and pink slips when you visit the Roads and Maritimes Service center. Pay your registration fees and show the papers. Your paid will be approved and vehicle registered. Your vehicle is good to go on the roads. Happy journey.


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